When Prophets Lie, Freedom Dies

on Thursday, January 8, 2009

It is a frightening thought to be held captive by a cruel enemy. Yet, the fear is magnified when captivity comes as a direct result of the people who should have protected you. In Lamentations 2:14, we read about a certain group of traitors who led the way toward captivity:

Your prophets have seen for you false and foolish visions; and they have not exposed your iniquity so as to restore you from captivity, but they have seen for you false and misleading oracles.

When prophets lie, freedom dies. The people who should have spoken truth, should have confronted lies, should have exposed sin in order to save, instead told lies that led to bondage.

Are you being taken captive? If you have people in your life who only tell you what you want to hear, then you are heading toward bondage. We need people informing us about what is wrong with us so we can grow as people. We need others to be honest with us so we can change what needs to change. If others do not speak truth into your life, then quite honestly, they are not friends.

My heart always breaks when scandals come out about people. But I always wonder, "What about the people around them? Why didn't someone confront them long before their lives fell apart?" Confrontation is costly; it is easier to speak false things that sound good, then dig into the nitty gritty of truth. Eventually, life crashes in around you.

If you have someone who is willing to speak truth to you, even when it hurts, be thankful for that gift of friendship. They will keep you from being taken captive by bad decisions. If you do not have someone, find someone. We all need it. And be willing to do the same for others. It is time to stop the lies and let freedom fly!


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