Do you ever feel like you are missing something about this whole Christianity thing? We read about love, joy, peace yet what we feel is disconnected, disheartened, and disgruntled. Why doesn't our life measure up to all we are promised?
I think sometimes we have a scratch 'n sniff approach to Christianity. Do you remember those stickers from when you were a child? You would scratch the sticker and it would smell like whatever was on the sticker. We see the fruits of the Spirit and we barely take the effort to "scratch" at the Bible and we just get a whiff of the reality. It is just a smell, a vapor, but not the real thing. In Psalm 34:8 we learn:
Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
To taste and see takes a lot more effort than scratch 'n sniff. We want it easy but God calls us to exert ourselves. Sure you can smell the fruits of the Spirit all you want, but wouldn't you rather taste them and see them? Don't you want to experience the truth instead of playing around it? Then you have to get close to God. You have to be nearby to experience Him, to let Him be your refuge.
It is time for us to put away our scratch 'n sniff of Bible reading only on Sundays or our one minute light devotionals or just praying before meals. It is time to go for the real thing. You know what you need to do. Quit sniffing.
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